I was reading this article today and I have to admit I like the idea.
New York is the first city to force chain restaurants to post the calorie count of each food in the same size and font as the price.
I am a calorie counter, or at least I was and I will be again soon. I would look up on line Subway, Chick-fil-A, Wendy's and lots of others. It was a way to eat fewer calories from a convient "fast food" place.
I have had the conversation with my husband that is would even being nice if restaurants would put something on their menus regarding calories and fat. We know it is there, lets not kid ourselves that our HUGE hamburge and fries only have 350 cals.
The reason behind the new law??? "Putting the brakes on thoughtlessly inhaling calories is exactly the effect New York City health officials hoped the law would have. " Isn't that is exactly what many of us are trying to do....so I personally like the extra help and I'm not kidding myself when I over indulge.
Wonder if this law will spread??...the no smoking in bars thing seemed to spread around...maybe this is coming to a city near me. ...or you.
New York is the first city to force chain restaurants to post the calorie count of each food in the same size and font as the price.
I am a calorie counter, or at least I was and I will be again soon. I would look up on line Subway, Chick-fil-A, Wendy's and lots of others. It was a way to eat fewer calories from a convient "fast food" place.
I have had the conversation with my husband that is would even being nice if restaurants would put something on their menus regarding calories and fat. We know it is there, lets not kid ourselves that our HUGE hamburge and fries only have 350 cals.
The reason behind the new law??? "Putting the brakes on thoughtlessly inhaling calories is exactly the effect New York City health officials hoped the law would have. " Isn't that is exactly what many of us are trying to do....so I personally like the extra help and I'm not kidding myself when I over indulge.
Wonder if this law will spread??...the no smoking in bars thing seemed to spread around...maybe this is coming to a city near me. ...or you.