I learned something else at a bible study yesterday. The teacher was saying sometimes when we are in a desert and wandering around we long for the days we were in slaverly (story from Exodus).
She was talking about glamourizing the past just because today is a little hard. This really hit home for me. I can easily get in a mind set that this lifestyle changing is just too hard. Who really needs to be that healthly anyway (HA!). I need to stop living in the past.
I need to remember it took me a while to put this weight on and my body has gotten used to it, so it will take some time and some changing to get it off. None of this changing can or will happen over night.
This is also when I have to remind myself why I am doing this. The main reason is right here.....
Pretty good reason!
I know what you mean! It is SO hard to be patient and to persevere sometimes! But that is EXACTLY what we need to do. We need to keep pressing on... and eventually we WILL reach our goals.
Very good bible study!
And very good reason!! He's so cute!!! :D
I have a red headed son too! We must populate the world with more red heads! I read somewheres today that lefties are becoming more common. Then you hear about how red heads are disappearing. Well that's sort of funny! My red head is a lefty! Mwwahhhaaahhaa!! Is your's a lefty?
He's definitely something you can be proud of!!
Twix - funny you should ask about him being a lefty. He is still pretty young so we aren't really sure, BUT he does use his left quite alot.
My co-worker is in he middle of a Beth More bible study. She has really got m interested in it and I think after I am done with the one I am working through I might have to check hers out!
I just love what you wrote, it is very ture.
thanks for sharing! excellent Word. gotta keep that in mind....
he is adorable..i just wnat to get a spoon and cover him in chocolate...lol!
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