Inspirational quotes

Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.
Brian Tracy, Eat that Frog

The significance of a man is not in what he attains but in what he longs to attain.
Kahil Gibran

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Food log 10/25/2007

Breakfast - WW english muffin with almond butter
2 cups coffee

Lunch - Lean Cuisine Glazed Chicken
coke zero

#1 snack - lollipop
#2 snack- 1/4 apple

dinner - 3 homemade baked chicken tenders
Annie's Organic mac and cheese with secret cauliflower puree
steamed mixed veggies

dessert - mini-ice cream sandwich

I forget to blog about my weigh in this week. I think I was living in denile. It was gain. I weighed in at 177.8. YUCK!

I can tell I have doing lots of emotional and stress eating. It has been really busy at our house. but that is really no excuse. I have been making better choices this week..finally!

Food log 10/24/2007

Breakfast - whole wheat english muffin and almond butter (I'm seeing a pattern here~ hehe!)
2 cups coffee

Lunch - Lean cuisine rosemary chicken and wild rice
coke zero

snack - carrots and wedge of light cheese
1 oz cheese

dinner - turkey meatballs with pasta and pasta sauce (pasta sause has added spinach)
cauliflower and broccoli in cheese sauce
mini ice cream sandwich

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Food Log 10/23/2007

Whole wheat english muffin with almond butter
2 cups coffee w/cream & splenda

Lunch - lean cuisine steaks tips and broccoli
coke zero

snack - lollipop
1 oz cheese

2 small slices frozen Wolfgang puck cheese, pesto and tomato pizza
spinach salad with mandarin oranges, blue cheese crumbles & walnuts with vinagerett

4 cups light microwave popcorn.

Food Log 10/22/2007

Whole wheat english muffin with almond butter
2 cups coffee with creamer (15 cals ) and splenda

lunch - lean cuisine sesame chicken

snack - mini ice cream sandwich (100 cals)

Dinner - lean cuisine Glazed Chicken & Rice (with extra brown rice)
diet coke
2 homemade biscuits

Not too bad actually. My biggest cheat was the 2 biscuits. My hubby was feeling really sick and his only request was biscuits, so I made him some...and tried them too.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fact or Bullfact

I came across an article while doing a little searching on the web. Tell me which one of these is Dieting Fact or Bullfact. (clickover and highlight the area after the sentence to find the answer on this page or go to this link.)

1. You can't lose a lot of weight and keep it off. Bullfact

2. Your "set point" determines how much you weigh. Bullfact

3. Poor willpower is to blame for excess weight. Bullfact

4. The best weight loss regimens incorporate structured exercise three to five times a week.Bullfact

5. Losing just a small amount of weight has significant health benefits. Fact

6. You should eat only low-fat and no-fat foods. Bullfact

The search that started all this was the theory of "set point". The theory is this ~ "The set point theory was introduced by a group of researchers in 1982. The basic premise of the theory is that the body has a built in weight regulating mechanism, largely genetically determined, that will tend to keep your weight in a physiologically established comfortable range."

I don't necessary believe that your body has a predetermined weight and that it is always trying to get back there (of course the assumption here, is that your set weight is higher than what you would want it to be). But I do believe our bodies settle into a weight after some dieting and we need a jump start to get the weight loss going again. This might be due to the fact that we lose some weight and our metabolisms adjust to our new weight and calorie intake and output.
I have hit the point where I need a jump start (or kick in the pants). I have been lucky really that my weight hasn't jumped up, so I think my body likes hanging out at this weight, but I would like the scale to move south a little more. My blogging has helped me keep this in focus. I haven't done a great job lately, but when I read others changing their eating habits, joining weight watcher, walking thru the summer...they give me motivation to keep my own lifestyle changes in focus.

The end of this week and weekend I was not on plan. I was way off plan. We will see what the scale has to tell me on Wednesday, but I have some time until them to get back on track with my eating and walking. The weather is cooling off here (finally) so I want to get back to walking more.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Food Log and Halloween-updated

Today food log
Breakfast - Special K Chocolate cereal with skim milk
2 cups coffee

Lunch - Wendy's baked potato, small chili and casear side salad

dinner - turkey meatballs with pasta and pasta sauce
1.5 slices whole wheat toast
green peas

100 cal ice cream sandwich

*** WOOOO cheating today!********

My goal today is to not cheat...just one day with no cheating.


So we have a "SEXY" Halloween party to attend this weekend. Yeah! Like I want to think about dressing in a "SEXY" costume. Well I think I have come up with an idea...tell me what you think.

I have a pink sweat suit with hoodie jacket. I was going to iron on the name "Bridget" on the back of the hoodie, wear bunny ears, stick the bunny tail on the sweat pants, wear a push up water bra (to help the girls out a little), a playboy t-shirt and carry around 2 Barbie Dolls....VOILA ~ I am Bridget from the GirlsNextDoor (the 2 extra Barbie's are Holly and Kendra~yes, I know I watch too much trash E! TV). Hubby will be Hef in his smoking jacket and black satin PJ bottoms. I might get some gray hair spray for Hubby.

I will be covered and more comfortable, but still being"sexy"...well kind of.

Weigh in

Today I weighed in at 176.6. Not too much change, but I won't be surprised if it went up. The big company party is tomorrow. I will need to will power then. Then this weekend is a big Halloween party and next weekend is Vegas. Oh my! Busy busy busy....and eating, eating, eating.
Wish me luck.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Geez, what was I thinking

Well I was thinking. Well I kind of was, but I wasn't listen to my smarter inner voice...I was instead listening to my sabotaging "I can't be thin" voice. I went to Walgreens to get some cash and some greeting cards. I walked out with Cheezums! WHAT IN HEAVEN'S NAME WAS I THINKING. Now something similar has happened before when i went to Walgreens. But I need to get to the heart of why I do it. I think this time it is stress/emotional eating. I have been super busy at work (no excuse) and I have to back to back weekend of going out of town for business and for personal reasons. I think the stress of all this busy-ness has gotten to me. I can't believe I ate those stupid chips. And the worst part is I did it all in secret. Secret eating it the worst because if it were okay you wouldn't feel the need to finish the food before you get home to you husband and plan to throw the "evidence" out the next day so he won't see it.

I need to start setting more mini-goals about my eating again. Small doable things that help me feel in control of myself and my eating.

Food log 10/16/2007 (updated)

Breakfast - chicken breast sandwich on whole wheat with spinach, mustard and slice of cheese
2 cups coffee

lunch - chicken club pannini (lean cuisine)
coke zero
1 cupcake from yesterday office birthday

snack - 8 almonds

dinner - 2 halves english muffin pizza's (inspired by something to chew on post) They were super yummy!
3/4 cup broccoli and cauliflowers in cheese sauce
3/4 cup brown rice

100 cal dark chocolate
100 cal mini ice cream sandwich

pringles cheezums...this was awful!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Food Journal 10/15/2007

Breakfast - 3/4 medium apple
whole wheat english muffin with almond butter
2 cups coffee with cream

2 chocolate cookies (good thing they are gone now)

Lean Cuisine - Steak mushroom and cheese pannini (sp?)
coke zero

Birthday cake day at the office - 1 cupcake, piece of pineapple, 1 strawberry and 1 choco. covered strawberry.

Dinner - 3 sneaky healthy chicken nuggets for the family (battered with wheat germ and pureed broccoli and peas in the batter)
3/4 cup sneaky mac and cheese (added pureed cauliflower/zunichi)
3/4 cup broccoli and peas with 1 slice cheese on top.

1.5 chocolate chip cookie

100 cal popcorn

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Food Journal 10/14/2007

Breakfast - 4 oz low fat blueberry yogurt
english muffin with almond butter.

lunch - veggie soup (progresso light zesty vegetable) with extra corn added
2 chocolate chip cookie

dinner - subway 6 inch turkey breast on whole wheats with provalone, lettuce, pickles, tomatoes, red onions, black olives and reg. mustard with salt and pepper. Plain baked lays and diet coke

snack - 6 more chocolate chip cookies.

Minus the cookies and today was a good choices food day.

I also am focusing on feeding the family healthier dinners. I pureed a bunch of stuff tonight to add to dinner this week in hopes of kicking up the nutrition content of dinner. Hubby and little one do not like I will be sneaking them into their dinners.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Turned upside down

I feel like everything has been turned up-side-down and I'm just now getting this turned right side around. My little one has been in the hospital for the last 39 hours. He started to have problems breathing on Thursday. We gave him some breathing treatments at home since we have a history of this. Then those weren't helping so thursday night I called my pedi's office and they said to take him into the ER. We did and he was put on oxygen and then admitted. He is ended up having a virus that caused him to having breathing problems. We all spent 2 nights in the hospital while the virus ran its course. Emotional eating kicked into high gear.
We had a midnight Mc Donald's run one night because it was close and open and we were starving. I made some better choices other times, but really didn't put forth much thought it what I ate. I am settling back down and we are all back home safe and sound. So back on track tomorrow...and I had been doing pretty good for my 3 whole days ; )

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Food Journal 10/10/2007

Breakfast - chicken breast (deli style) sandwich on whole wheat toast with mustard, cheddar cheese and spinach
2 cups coffee with cream and splenda

lunch - Lean cuisine seasame chicken and veggies dinner
coke zero

snack - animals crackers (240 cals)

dinner - chicken cordon bleu (costco) 1 cup Annie's organic mac and cheese, steamed veggies and fruit salad (apple, peach, grapes)
1 oz string cheese

snack - 100 cal microwave popcorn

Weigh Day

This morning I weighed in at 176.4. A loss....and considering how I have been behaving I am very happy with it. I'm still hovingin the 176 arena and that is ok. I have packed my walking clothes today and hope to get a walk in after work, but before gettting the little one from daycare. I get an A for my eating yesterday...not an A+ but a good solid A. I have to say I impressed myself with our dinner last night. Whole grains, veggies, name it. Well balanced.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Food Log 10/9/2007

Breakfast - 2 small slices of margherita pizza
10 black seedless table grapes
2 cups coffee with creamer (25 cals each)

Lunch - Lean Cuisine Mac & Cheese dinner
coke zero

snack (2:55pm) 10 green olives
snack (4:45 pm) small bag baby carrots and wedge of laughing cow cheese (approx 55 cals in all)

Dinner - 1/2 to 3/4 cup turkey/beef chili on a whole wheat bun
peas and mixed steamed veggies - about 1/2 cup
brown rice - about 3/4 cup
fruit salad (cut up apple, peach and some grapes) about 1/2 cup

Pre-bible study drink - Starbuck's shaken green tea - sweetned

Monday, October 8, 2007

Here we go...again (again)

UGGHHHHHH!!!! I have been so off plan lately Today's food isn't great.
Breakfast - english muffin with almond butter
1 cup coffee with non-fat 1/2 and 1/2

lunch - caesar side salad (had way too much dressing)
2 slices of a small margherita pizza

I was doing good up until this part. I came home and made a microwave cake. I made about 1 piece and then pitched it. It tasted about as bad as a microwave cake sounds like it would taste.

Dinner - A Ground Beef casserole (cream of mushroom soup, picante sauce, can of corn, 1.5 cups pasta and cheddard cheese). I had about 2 cups of casserole.
Broccoli in cheese sauce.

After dinner - chocolate skim milk & 100 calorie popcorn.

I just have the muchies...and not for good reasons. I think it is related to it being my T.O.M. Which that in it self makes me mad/sad. I was really hoping to be PG right now. But guess that is not for us this month.

That brings me to Oct. It will be a struggle. I have a big conference that is hosted by my work. BIG dinner, cocktail party (with yummy stuff there too) and then a big breakfast buffett the next day. Then hubby and I are attending another conference in Vegas. (YEAH VEGAS BABY!) That part if fun and I know there will be nice dinners there and eating out for every meal. We are making it a long weekend get away so there is a celebration factor too.

All of that brings me to this monthings goals. I know there will be times when I will not eat the conferences coming up. So in the mean time I need to increase my focus on those normal days and make them the best healthy eating days possible. This also means stepping up my walking again. I have really gotten lacks about walking on weekday afternoons.

So here is to stepping up the healthy eating and walking again.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

A long path

I heard these 2 phrases in sunday school.
#1 - We get bored and we give up

#2 - A Long obedience in the same direction.

Both can sum up my experience with weight loss, now and in the past. Many, many, many times I have gotten bored and given up. I lose a little and then it stops (I get bored). Then I give up. I give up the eating right, I give up the exercise, I give up hope.

But the #2 phrase is the one I feel fits my current situation. It is a long path, this changing your lifestyle to a healthier one. It takes time and effort that can't be achieved quickly. I have made great strides in the last 5 years. My eating habits and what I eat have changed drastically. They aren't perfect, but they are much improved. So I need to continue to be obedient and not give up so easily.

So here is to continued obedience in the same direction. We may stumble and fall, but lets fall forward and not backwards.

Saturday, October 6, 2007


Food Journal:
breakfast - biscuit w/ sausage and hashbrowns
lunch - spanish rice lean cuisine
snack - 9 small pieces of dry deer sausage, small bag baby carrots & laughing cow cheese wedge
dinner - chicken cordon bleu (240 cals) brocoli with cheese sauce (110 cals)

Hubby and I had a nice date night but it got off to a late start. My niece and I confused each other so she didn't make it over until close to 7:20, that made dinner start around 8pm once we got seated. We were both starving since we normally eat by 6pm. We enjoyed the peaceful dinner and then rented a movie...Knocked up...kind of a funny piece considering that I hope to be knocked or soon. It was funny and so dead on in some part about how women deal with things and how men deal with things. Him not reading the baby books was soooo like my husband with our son. We both laughed about that.

Hope every has a nice weekend. !

Friday, October 5, 2007

Food Log 10/5/2007 and Date night and other stuff

First off my food log
Breakfast -
1 oz cheese
1 slice whole wheat cinnamon toast
2 cups coffee

Lunch - 2 slices veggie pizza, 1 slice meat pizza, Coke Zero

Dinner - to come (date night with Hubby but I plan to get a salad where ever we go)
spinach and articoke dip with tortilla chips.
Grilled Chicken salad with gorgonzola cheese, dried cranberries & a vingerett.

dessert - shared piece of green tea cheese cake with hubby and had decaf coffee with cream

I called and asked my niece to baby sit for us tonight so that is nice. We haven't been out to a movie in a while. There is nothing out there I'm just dying to see, but I can't pass up a night out with the hubby. Not so good news...i have taken a couple of PG tests this week and all negative. I'm bummed. I was hoping this would happen faster. It did last time, but patience isn't one of my virtues and maybe I need to get a little more.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Food Journal 10/4/2007

grapes (about 12)
whole wheat toast with melted cheese
1oz of cheddar cheese.
2 cups coffee

italian wrap from schlotzsky's
cracked pepper chips
coke zero

snack piece of pecan pie (hubby didn't take it to work)

beef and turkey chili on a bun.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I love stories like this. She has lost 95 lbs and kept is off for 1.5 years and now she is going back to school to help others. If I ever went back to school, I would go back and get a degree in nutrition. I feel like there is so much for me to learn about nutrition.

I think stories like this just reinforce that little steps over the long haul can make a big difference. It is about a lifestyle change and not just dieting.

Food Journal 10/3/2007

Weigh in day was today and I weighed 176.8. I'm still happy to see that number. It wasn't up too much.

Food Log
Breakfast - Activa low fat peach yogurt and 1/2 English Muffin with Almond butter
2 cups coffee - 1 splenda and creamer

Snack - snack size bag of Chex Mix (210) and some olive tapanad.

Lunch - Wendy's grilled chicken sandwich, fries and iced tea

dinner - whatever hubby cooks (LOL!) tonight he cooked Chicken Cordon Bleu (from Costco) brown rice and zuchini and other veggies.

Last update...Hubby had a sweet tooth and I had low will power. He went to the store and bought a WHOLE PECAN PIE. Uggggghhhh!!! Yes, I had a piece, a relatively small piece and my best estimate on calories is 250. Hubby promised to take the pie to work today.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Biggest Loser

I just loved it tonight on BL during the blue teams time at a real 24 hour fitness, when Bob was in everyone's face telling them they could do it and how they deserved it! OH MAN! If I could just get Bob's pep-talk on my ipod, I would play it and push myself.

I can pep-talk myself to death sometimes, but usually it is not when I am actually working out. When I am actually working out, it is more like. "Oh, I don't want to get over heated"...."Not sure if I should push myself that much today...maybe another time." I have a million excuses. But oh if I could get Bob to yell at the things I could accomplish ; ) HA!

I was bummed, along with Bob, that the Blue team didn't even try to do the challenge and that they were going to leave it up to the other teams to pick who went home.

I am guessing the "campus" is closed for spring break. It should be a good show next week.

Props to the Black team for stay 6 strong another week, but their time is has to.

I think overall my money is still on Phil, but I also like the twin brothers. They could go all the way.

I was so happy for Julie (I think it was Julie) on the Black team because she has had low numbers every week and keeps plugging away and this week it paid off for her.

Benefits of keeping a food journal

I go back and forth (and back and forth and then back again) on keeping a food log. But I have come to realized that is really does help me keep on track with my eating.

I really keeps me honest about what I am eating and makes it harder for me to forget when I slip up. So here I go again. I will be trying to log my food here everyday.

Some links on benefits of keeping a food journal

I am also trying to change my taste buds for sweet. I am cutting down the Splenda I add to coffee and tea. My diet soda comsumption is down too. I will have one here and there but not as many as I used to have. Ooooo more news. I brought my walking clothes today so I can walk after work today. I haven't done this for well over a week.
I will come back and edit this post to include the rest of my food for the day, but so far....


Whole wheat English muffin with almond butter
Decaf Ice tea with 1 splenda

Coffee with 1 splenda and little cup of creamer (15 cals)
5 green olives, 1 kalamata olive (with pits)
Kashi TLC trail mix granola bar (140 cals)
small bag of baked lays (140 cals)
turkey breast on whole wheat sandwich
raspberry limon ice tea

spinach ravioli with extra spinach and cherry tomatoes
1 slice whole wheat toast
decaf ice tea
1 scoop coffee ice cream
(full disclosure - i had a few bites of little one scoop too)

Monday, October 1, 2007


Twix was ever so sweet in awarding me this blogging star award on her blog. I have been a little out of touch this last week or so, so it means a lot that she thought of me.

I would like to pass this along to some fellow bloggers that inspire me with their posts.

Lady T and Something to chew on.