Thursday, October 16, 2008
Going over my day here is what I ate:
Breakfast - 2 string cheese pieces, small can of V-8
2.5 Coffees with slenda and 15 cal creamers in each
snack - 1 peanut butter cookie (our Boss's Day present to our Boss)
lunch - Butternut squash lean cuisine
more cookies - 3 more to be exact
Dinner - pecan crusted chicken breast, yukon mashed potatoes, green beans
post dinner snack - chips and salsa
halloween pack of peanut M&M's
So not the meal plan of a person paying attention to what they are eating.
I have been putting it off to, "Oh, I'm nursing, can't restrict my calories too much"...yeah right, cookies are essential to nursing mothers.
I peeked at the Weight Watchers website the other night. I am thinking about it. I know I will have to be ready mentally or it will be a complete waste of my time and money.
just putting it all out there..
Thursday, October 9, 2008
They have some great ideas of added some healty changes to your day. I think this week I will focus on the one they have in common...drink more water. Since staying at home, I think my water intake has slowed down. I am off routine and I will make an effort to get more water in my day.
Yesterday was a good food day for me. I started with a smoothie at 9am, then a Nutty Mixed up Salad from Jason's Deli at 12:30. It was so good!!
Then I had an afternoon snack of a Grande Non-fat Vanilla Latter from SB's.
It was leftover night at our house for dinner. For me this meant chicken, spinach, & Orzo soup that a neighbor made and some black bean, corn dip with some chips.
I had a bag of Annie's cheese bunnies as an evening snack.
Then we went for a 2.5 mile walk to Starbucks, where hubby bought me a green tea.
That is the best day I have had in a long time.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Checking in
Low points are:
I have been eating candy..sneaking it actually. I say sneaking because I am doing purposely when hubby isn't at home.
Not cutting back when i go out to eat.
And going out to eat too often
This weeks weight is 196.8 (yuck)
High points are:
I bought the Biggest loser DVD and worked out to it twice since getting it last week.
I went on a LONG walk with the family on Saturday and Sunday.
We even kicked the soccer ball around the park on Sunday.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Weigh in
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Food for Tuesday
Breakfast - Chicken noodel soup (220 cals)
Coffee with 2% milk and slenda
Snack - 1/2 c trail mix & one piece string cheese
lunch - steak mushroom cheddar pannini
snack - 3x3 in piece of birthday cake (yellow cake with chocolate filling and white icing)
Diet Coke
Dinner - chili with cornbread
decaf ice tea
snack - 1/2 cup trail mix & 3 parmesan flat bread crackers and 1.5 tb hummus.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sunday & Monday
Monday I paid more attention to my food. I bought a little book to write everything down in too.
Breakfast - peanut butter and blueberry preserves on whole wheat
Lunch - turkey breast sandwich on whole wheat (with swiss cheese, mustard, lettuce, pickles, tomatoes)
snack- trail mix (almonds, pitacios, dried cranberries, raisins, cheeries) 1/2 cup
dinner- chicken alfredo, green beans and de-caf ice tea
snack - trail mix 1/2 cup and 2 flatbread crackers and 1 tb hummus.
The whole family walked about 20 mins last night. I wasn't as tired or sore, so this might be my regular walk for the next week. The Hubs and I also kicked the soccer ball around with our olderst son in the front yard.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
My current plan is to:
1) start on Monday - I have given myself 1 full month of rest
2) drink mainly water, no more full calorie tea or soda, - I have indulged in a few too many sweet teas and Dr. Peppers
3) start walking on the treadmill and build up my endurance, - the Dr. said I would have to build up my strength again.
4) starting eating regular Breakfast, lunch & dinner with 2 snacks, - I have been sleeping thru breakfast or barely eating anything. I need to be more consistent during the day so I don't go over board at night.
5) I plan to stop eating by 7:30 (3 hours before bed time)
6) Start keeping track of calories again - Dr. agreed that now is not the time for strict calorie limits. She suggested I not go under 2,000 a day while I'm still nursing.
So that is the plan and hopefully I can start taking off a few more pounds before I head back to work.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Thinking about new goals
I have been thinking about my future goals now that the baby is here. I am nursing so full blown weight managment if coming into the picture, but I am still just a week and a half post delivery. I'm still moving slowly and haven't been released by the doctor.
My plan is to join weight watchers (either on line or at a meeting) and to start walking again once I am released to exercise by my doctor.
I have been hopping on the scale to see how the weight is coming off (faster or slower than last time). It seems to be coming off a little faster this time.
I am 10 days past delivery and I weighed in at 197 this morning. My high was 216 so that is a 19 lbs loss so far. Not too bad really. I know it will slow down soon and Iwill really have to work to get the rest of the weight off, but I am liking the way is it coming off so far.
I hope to be back at least in the 170's by December. That is my new goal. Hopefully I will be even less than that, but that is my goal for now.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
He's Here
Monday, August 11, 2008
Post PG blues...maybe soon
I know that the real solution is to just not look at the celebrity magazines. But when I heard a new report 2 weeks after Angelina had her twins that said she was back to her pre-PG weight...I called BS on that. To me that just sounded like the tabloids trying to put info out there. I'm sorry but their is now way that Angelina could have lost down to her pre-PG weight 2 weeks after a C-section. WHATEVER!!!
No baby for me yet, but I will be in the post-pg category soon and crap like this just annoys me.
Current weigh in is at 212.8.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Tick Tock
Latest weigh in was 211.2. Up 5 lbs from last weigh in, but still in the 35 lbs range for total gain. I was hoping it would stay closer to 30 lbs, but all is well.
I live in Texas and I don't know if everyone else knows (well I bet Summer does) but we are on pace to hit a record breaking heat wave this summer. We have had 40+ days of 100+ heat...and MAN can I feel it. Especially as I get closer and closer to my due date.
Today might be my worse work day so far. My shoes are too tight and I am having to walk around in my stocking (well socks) feet. My wedding ring stopped fitting at about 8:30 am. Plus my work did some painting over the weekend and boy does it stink.
I wish I could go home and just wait for this little guy to be born, but I only have some much maternity leave and I want to use it all for once baby is here.
I am super thankful for air conditioning. I rarely spend that much time outside in the heat. Mainly going from the car to a store or from the house to the car...very little time in the heat. We spend sometime with my son in the backyard, but that is early in the morning before it hits 100.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Sticker Shock!
New York is the first city to force chain restaurants to post the calorie count of each food in the same size and font as the price.
I am a calorie counter, or at least I was and I will be again soon. I would look up on line Subway, Chick-fil-A, Wendy's and lots of others. It was a way to eat fewer calories from a convient "fast food" place.
I have had the conversation with my husband that is would even being nice if restaurants would put something on their menus regarding calories and fat. We know it is there, lets not kid ourselves that our HUGE hamburge and fries only have 350 cals.
The reason behind the new law??? "Putting the brakes on thoughtlessly inhaling calories is exactly the effect New York City health officials hoped the law would have. " Isn't that is exactly what many of us are trying to I personally like the extra help and I'm not kidding myself when I over indulge.
Wonder if this law will spread??...the no smoking in bars thing seemed to spread around...maybe this is coming to a city near me. ...or you.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The good and the bad
But I also thinks this feeds the beast so to speak. The beast of weightloss obession. Some of us get so obessed with weightloss, how to eat, when to eat, what to eat, don't forget to write it down. Many get burned out on the whole process and feel like it has totally taken control of their lives. But on the other side....obsession with food might have gotten us into the place where this is the next necessary step, being accountable for what we eat all the time.
And the battles wages on....
(Editor's note: some have asked when the baby is due. It is soon)
Monday, July 7, 2008
Up, up and away
I have really felt the need for LOTS of water theses days.
Today I weighed in at 206.2. That is up 3 lbs, but I think some is the holiday weekend effect. We will see if it still that high on Wednesday.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Checkin' In
This summer heat is about to drain me, but other than that...all is well.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Weekly checkin
We had a nice father's day. I think my 2 years olds tantrum during the brunch at the country club kept me for over indulging.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Weekly Update
I'm encouraged that I'm not gaining too much too fast. The battle to lose will still be there, but it I remain steady, the battle shouldn't be as hard.
I'm already eyeing the treadmill and thinking about getting back on track. I have a ways to go, but by September I should have a new routine.
Monday, June 2, 2008
I am official in the last phase of this journey with baby and me. I think by Oct. I will be on a more focused weight loss track. Once I have nursed a good while and feel the time is right. Just in time for the holiday season. A great way to test ones resolve to lose weight right?!!? HA! I just love to torture myself.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Oh HAPPY day!
Friday I went through my 3 hour glucose test. I still have the bruises from the 4 needles to prove it several days later. Monday I kept waiting and waiting for that call telling me all was the same as last time and I had GD.
Well at 4pm, still no call. But I was out of town so I thought, well they have left me message somewhere else with the news. So I call my Dr. office and leave a message that I am out of town and to please call my cell with the lab results.
30 mins later I get a call from the Dr. office and they leave a message. I still have the message saved because I like hearing it. It said" Hi! This is Amy with Dr. L's office, everything from your lab results came back totally normal. Congratulations. You don't have gestational diabetes"
I was so happy to get that news. On so many levels. No extra dr. appts, no weekly non-stress tests, no weekly sonograms, no daily poking my fingers numerous times, no taking meds that I really don't want to because I'm pregnant. So many reasons.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Mid week update
I am currently 22.4 up from my low of 176 last fall. That is 22.4 lbs @ 26.6 weeks PG.
I have a 3 hour glucose test this week. I'm not looking forward to it, but the Dr. says they will get everything they need to know from the 3 hour test this one time instead of a 1 hour test again, and then maybe having to take the 3 hour test after that.
I'm still crossing my fingers that I won't have GD this time. I just read something in this article that I have a 30 to 84% chance of developing GD again with this pregnancy. 30-84% ...that is a pretty wide range.
I have also read on line several places of ladies not developing GD with the 2nd PG. So I will remain hopeful.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Moving on up
I think I'm up 4.2 lbs from my last official blog weigh in, but that was several weeks ago. I'm just 6 lbs shy of my heighest pregnancy weight. I really don't want to much past that, but looks like I might.
I am also hoping this extra gain is due to being out of our house for about 1 week, due to some home renovations. We ate out most every meal, so maybe this will go down some by next week.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Gestational Diabetes
I forgot to weigh in this morning. I will try and get that number tomorrow. I have another Dr. appt this week so I will be curious to see what their numbers are compared to mine.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Weekly Weighin
I will confess I have falling off the healthy living wagon. I have noticed I am eating lots of carbs and little veggies and almost no fruit to speak of. This weekend was a little better. I had some apples and hubby bought some watermelon at the store that was so good. I went back today and got some more watermelon for myself.
So maybe being aware of it is the first step in correcting it. This week at the grocery store I bought a little more fruit than normal and a few more veggies. I am planning to take some of the fruit and veggies to work with me. I did notice, as Summer pointed out, the prices have been going up at the store.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Weekly weigh in
I'm getting bigger and bigger on the pregnancy's growing.
Allergies are kicking my booty right this second so I'm slow on the uptake today. eyes watery, nose sneezy, body tired.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Weekly weigh in
So this week's official weigh in was I keep hitting that .4 everything I just don't know.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Weigh In
But overall since getting PG I have gained 15.6 from my lowest recorded weight and 12.4 from my weight just prior to getting PG. The overall picture isn't as bas and I thought it was for week 19 of my PG.
I didn't get any walking stickers last week...BOOO for me. So this week I need to get back into gear and walk on the new treadmill.
Happy Easter to all!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
No News is GREAT News
I'm doing a BIG HAPPY DANCE. I don't know if this is really the end of this dance with G-D.
But a 3 month pass for now makes me happy.
Oh yeah, my weigh in this week was 188, so staying about the same and that is good news too.
I walked twice last week and the hubby and I worked out in the yard on Sunday. I need to get back on the treadmill this week. Tonight is the night. Watch Idol and walk a little.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Friday Countdown
I went in yesterday for my 1 hour glucose test. After the lab tech drew blood I asked about when I might hear something. She said "If it is bad news you will hear by tomorrow. In this case, no news in good news."
So I'm sitting here in fear of the phone ringing. Well not really, just anxious to see if the test will come back bad. If it comes back with high numbers, then I have to go back in the next 3 days (or so) and take the 3 hours test. That one really, really, sucks. If that one comes back bad (high sugar) then I get to visit the wonderful diabetes counselor. Then the real fun begans.
So I'm really hoping my phone DOES NOT ring today....
On a good note, since Monday, I have worked out every other day, so tonight is another work out night.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Weigh in
This is the week of the big diabetes test. I am dreading it, but I only have so much control in it. My control comes once I'm diagnosised and I have watch everything I eat and exercise on a very regular basis. So wish me luck on Thursday ; )
Thursday, February 28, 2008
2 Stars
A little healthy competition.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Weekly Check In
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
weekly check in
Good news is on the horizon though. We received our new treadmill. Now if we can only get the big boy into our bedroom where we will see it all the time!!
It is so cool I like to say we invested in this treadmill. The hubby is really talking about kicking up his workout routine too. The treadmill has a built in TV. How cool is that?!?!?! We are excited.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Belated weekly check in
Oh yeah! Hubby and I invest in a treadmill. A super fancy one that will be in our bedroom in the hopes it will be lots of use. It is ordered but not at home yet.
Friday, February 8, 2008
The Big G-D is looming over me
Here is a little about it.
What is gestational diabetes?
Pregnant women who have never had diabetes before but who have high blood sugar (glucose) levels during pregnancy are said to have gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes affects about 4% of all pregnant women - about 135,000 cases of gestational diabetes in the United States each year.
We don't know what causes gestational diabetes, but we have some clues. The placenta supports the baby as it grows. Hormones from the placenta help the baby develop. But these hormones also block the action of the mother's insulin in her body. This problem is called insulin resistance. Insulin resistance makes it hard for the mother's body to use insulin. She may need up to three times as much insulin.
Gestational diabetes starts when your body is not able to make and use all the insulin it needs for pregnancy. Without enough insulin, glucose cannot leave the blood and be changed to energy. Glucose builds up in the blood to high levels. This is called hyperglycemia.
Now here is why it scares me so much.
Many women who have gestational diabetes go on to develop type 2 diabetes years later. There seems to be a link between the tendency to have gestational diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Gestational diabetes and type 2 diabetes both involve insulin resistance. Certain basic lifestyle changes may help prevent diabetes after gestational diabetes.
So it comes down to maintain a weight of around 140 to 150 lbs. I think that is doable, but I need to get there. I haven't been there in many, many years. I've been close, with in 15lbs. But I haven't been in that range since college and that was 13 years ago.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Weekly Weighin
Friday, February 1, 2008
I'm so tired...
I've been so tired these days. It seems I have about a cup of energy that can be used the last few hours of my day. If I expend too much too fast, then I am done for by 7pm. Seriously! I have fallen asleep on the couch at 7:30 only to wake up briefly at 9pm and then officially head off to bed. I have been thinking of the song that Madeline Kahn sang in Blazing Saddles.
Of course she is tired for different reasons in her song. But I am so TIRED!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Weekly Check In
This week wasn't a great work out week. It was cold and rainy most of my week, but this weekend the sun came out and it was much warmer. I walked for an hour yesterday. Not my goal amount of 4 times a week, but better than zero.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Internet Blackout
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Confessions of a bad day
Whole wheat english muffin
2 cups coffee
1 large chocolate chip cookie (co-worker brought to the office)
small bag of carrots and wedge of cheese
3 slices cheese pizza
coke zero
snack - afternoon
1 square piece of birthday cake (white cake with butter cream icing)
about this time Hubby calls to say Bro-in-law is in town and we have dinner plans with him
ground sirloin burger with fries
ice tea
pistacio gelato
I write all this down to remind myself how quickly a day can get off track and stay off track.
There were so many times I could have and should have said no. But I gave into my "give in" muscle, not my "resistance" muscle.
Well today is another day.
Breakfast -
lowfat blueberry yougurt
1 english muffin with almond butter
1 cup coffee
snack - TLC granola bar
Lunch planned - lean cuisine
carrots with cheese
dinner planned - chicken breast.
frozen veggies
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Gilad kicked my booty
Monday, January 14, 2008
Easter Challenge Week 2
After feeling sick most of the week. I was able to squeeze in 2 workouts. The one I blogged about the other day (30 mins) and then Saturday the Hubby and I went to 6 different furniture stores and shopped for furniture for the little man's room. Hubby would drop me off to do a quick run through look, then I would report back to see if it was worth him coming in to look. The little man was napping in the car so we took shifts. Then at one stop the shopping center had a playground. So Hubby dropped me at the store and then took the little man to play. I walked over and met them after making a run thought the store. This walking around made for at least one more 30 mins work out.
I am hoping to get one more in today, but I will report 2 for this week at least. Better than the big ZERO I thought was coming my way because I was feeling so bad.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Feeling better
The funniest part or working out with Denise in the middle of the living room was the little person trying to work out with me. He started out marching and swinging his arms with Denise and I. About this time I smelled something not so nice and went to change someone's diaper. After that was over he didn't feel like putting his diaper back on (ie: he ran away and I couldn't catch him to put one on).
That made me laugh even more. Imagine a nekked 23 month old running around marching and swing his was hilarious. Then I layed down to do my leg lifts with Denise. There is he still nekked trying to copy our leg lifts. I also couldn't finish I was laughing so hard.
They make for entertaining , even if they are distracting, workouts.
I think I have convinced the hubby to let me move the cardio machine inside to our masterbed, from our workout shed for awhile. This will help me fit in workouts and not be away from the little man too much.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
This is my enemy
Cedar, cedar is my enemy
Cedar Fever as we call it is in full force and I am feeling the wrath.
I'm stuffy,
I'm sneezy,
I'm sleepy,
I'm tired,
It only gets worse if I'm outside very long. So walking outside is out for now and I haven't been sleeping well at night so I'm exhausted too. I'm a big Zero for working out or walking this week. I am hoping I feel better this week and can get a couple of workout in.
I found the article that nicely wraps up what I am feeling.
Face it. It's part of being a Texan. The trees are here to stay, and so is the allergy.
The signs are unmistakable: the eyes burn and turn fiery red; the nose runs; the insides of the ears itch. Incessant sneezing--up to
two or three hundred times a day--leaves some victims exhausted. On top of this, an insidious malaise sets in, making it hard to do anything but stare vacantly at the wall, while at the same time a nagging little voice says, "Get up. It's just an allergy."
But cedar fever is not just any allergy. It's a scourge, a plague that smites the just and the unjust who have the misfortune to live anywhere in a broad strip of Central Texas that stretches from the Red River to the Rio Grande. The progenitor of all this misery is a medium-sized, frankly undistinguished tree with sinewy limbs covered in shaggy bark that vaguely resembles orangutan fur. Despite its common name, the mountain cedar is actually a juniper (Juniperus ashei). Every year around December, we blunder into the midst of the cedar's mating ritual. It begins with the appearance of the male cones--embarrassingly small, amber-colored structures no larger than a grain of rice. In good years (or bad, depending on your viewpoint) they blanket the tops of the trees, turning them an aggressive tawny orange. When the wind rises, great gritty clouds of the pollen drift aloft, making the woods look like they are aflame. This airborne milt can waft for miles until it runs into something sticky, like the small green cone of the female tree or the inside of your nose.
Eventually most of the afflicted end up at an allergist's office for a series of shots that help about 75 per cent of the time. Allergists can reassure you that you don't have a cold (it runs its course in a week) or a fever (you just feel flushed). What they can't tell you is why you can build immunity by injecting the irritant but not by breathing it. If all else fails, your only recourse may be to leave town for the duration; that was the preferred treatment of writer J. Frank Dobie.
The obsession with nostrums and the wild talk about eradicating the mountain cedar miss a perverse but essential point: cedar fever is part of being a Texan. Other places suffer the malady, to be sure, but none of them have Juniperus ashei. It's our own personal poison, part of Mother Nature's hazing ritual designed just for Texans, and those who have been initiated wear the affliction like a red badge of courage. After all, we are in a war zone.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Easter Challenge check in week 1
But I was able to stick to my schedule of walking and working out 4 times this week.
Jan 2 I walked 35 mins
Jan 3 I worked out to a DVD for about 25 mins
Jan 5 We walked to a park and played at the walk for 30 mins.
Jan 6 We walked to a park and played at the walk for 30 mins.
I might try and get another walk in today and make it 5 times this week. Week 2 starts tomorrow!!!!!!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Work out video vs Jungle Book
It was just too chilly to walk outside with the little man so I thought I would do a workout video inside instead. The little man didn't have too many complaint at first. He was marching along with me and making the funny arm movements...he made them even funnier. But then he found his Jungle Book DVD and preceded to take out Mommie's workout DVD 17 mins into her workout and put in his Jungle Book DVD. We had a slight battle of wills and Mommie kind of won, I am bigger ya know. So I tried to start over when he stopped luck because I am having trouble find the right spot. I move ahead to the yoga part on my video and get about 5 more mins in when the phone rings...Geez, if it isn't one thing it is another. So I got about 25 mins of my 30 mins in for yesterday. Good thing my walk the day before was 35 mins, it kind of balances things out a little.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Pay it forward
Here are the details. If you've been feel crafty, post a comment. The first three people who comment will receive a handmade little something from me. Hopefully you too will pay-it -forward on your blog.
I can't say that I was even that 19 year old that spent 2 hours in the gym every day, but these days exercise seems harder and harder to fit into my schedule.
My plan of attack to successful walk 4 days a week (minimum) for 30 mins as part of Shannon's Easter challenge is to walk with my son after I pick him up from daycare, but before the hubby makes it home. This is a nice little window of time. I used to try and fit it in by myself before I picked up the little one from school, but I want to try the walk with him, at least for this week.
I also want to start wearing my pedometer again...but ooops I forgot it today.