Inspirational quotes

Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.
Brian Tracy, Eat that Frog

The significance of a man is not in what he attains but in what he longs to attain.
Kahil Gibran

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Beat up

So I have been beating myself up because I haven't lots any weight for a few weeks. I haven't tried very hard, so I really shouldn't be surprised...but why do I beat myself up about it.

I look back and a year ago I weighed 196. That is 14 lbs in one year. Is that a huge amount of weight. No. But is the scale moving in the right direction...heck ya!

So no more beating myself up. I have lost 14! score!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Staying on track

So it has been almost 2 months since I have posted.  Since then I have joined Weight Watchers, I have lost about 5 lbs and have enjoyed working out heard me, enjoyed working out.  I can't believe I'm saying that. 

The enjoyed working out part has been the most recent change.  Last week I noticed I was grumpy, tired, cranky, you name it, not in a good mood.  I walk with some girlfriends once a week (we just started this up again now that the weather is nice and it gets dark later.)  I finally convinced myself to get up early and workout with my Wii again.  I immediately felt different.  I felt happy, perky, chatty and all together better. 

I have had some help staying focused and on track.  There are several blogs I like to poke around, but these 3 have become my favs on my  Google Reader list.

Lyn at Escape from Obesity
Bitch Cakes (aka Sheryl) at *Bitch Cakes* A Neurotic Glamour Girl's Weight Watchers Experience and Fitness Adventures
and Jack at Jack Sh*t Gettin fit

They have helped keep me motivated to contain thru the bad days.  They have kept me motivated to work out.  And they have kept me laughing...all of them as pretty funny folks.

I worked out 4 times last week....4 times. 
Monday - walked with girls (3 miles round trip)
Wednesday  - Wii AE Active 6 week challenge (approx. 20 min moderate workout)
Thursday - Wii AE Active 6 week challenge (approx. 20 min moderate workout)

Friday - Wii AE Active 6 week challenge (approx. 20 min moderate workout)

I played with the boys outside more this weekend too.

So far this week I walked with the girls on Monday night (same 3 miles round trip).

My current weight is around 182.  That is 14 lbs less than April last year.  I will take that!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Need to regain focus

I really need to regain focus.  I have been eating better and healthier, but this I go out to lunch at the office and that negates any progress I made for the week.   I haven't worked out lately in any way, shape or form.  I can't bring myself to get up as early as I need to, to workout in the morning.  I just can't bring myself to fit it in after work, dinner, baths, bedtimes, etc. 

I think I need to join Weight Watchers.  I just need to do it.  It has worked in the past, but I then talk myself into doing it on my own with just journaling my food by myself (no accountablity).  I used to think the meetings were a waste of time...I think I could learn so much in those meetings and also get the support of others.  I just need to do it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dinner Proud

Ya know how some people are "house proud" and some are "car proud".  Last night I was dinner proud.  I haven't made a dinner that good and healthy in what seems to be a long time.  I really should have taken a picture.

I had marinated some chicken breast, quick seared it, then finished it up in the over. 
Some steamed broccoli crowns, a little white rice and a nice romaine salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and feta.  YUM! 

So why did I snack at least twice after dinner?!?!! ugh! 

So this weeks goal it to not snack after dinner. Just healthy, small snacks between meals. 

Yesterday's food summary
Breakfast - protein shake (160)
coffee - 50 cals

lunch - 1 cheese enchilada, 1 beef tostado, some tortilla chips and guacamole (no clue on cals here)

Chicken breast (5 oz)
1 cup steamed brocoli
1.5 cup salad, tomatoes, cucumber, dressing, feta
piece of cabatta bread with melted parm on top
Diet DP

Snack -
bag of veggie chips,
piece of chocolate
some almonds,
another piece of bread..

Friday, January 29, 2010

Long time gone

I can't believe it has been so long since I checked in over here. I blame facebook..and life getting really busy.

When I last checked in I was 187. I'm not 186ish. I made it to about 183 in the fall, but the holiday got me. Not too bad, but they got me.

I was watching Oprah the other day when she was talking about Food Inc. It was very interesting. All about being more informed about where our food comes from and using our dollars to get better food.

For several years now (about 8) we have been making much better selections. More whole grains, less processed foods. More fresh, all natural. But this show got me thinking. They kept talking about the meat and knowing where it comes from. I know mine comes from HEB and it says "all natural" but other than that, I don't know. I guess I need to get to know my friendly neighborhood butcher or HEB meat market manager better.