Inspirational quotes

Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.
Brian Tracy, Eat that Frog

The significance of a man is not in what he attains but in what he longs to attain.
Kahil Gibran

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thinking about new goals

I started this blog with the idea of keeping an on-line journal on my journey to a healthy lifestyle. It helped me to make goals here because I could go back and check in on myself.

I have been thinking about my future goals now that the baby is here. I am nursing so full blown weight managment if coming into the picture, but I am still just a week and a half post delivery. I'm still moving slowly and haven't been released by the doctor.

My plan is to join weight watchers (either on line or at a meeting) and to start walking again once I am released to exercise by my doctor.

I have been hopping on the scale to see how the weight is coming off (faster or slower than last time). It seems to be coming off a little faster this time.

I am 10 days past delivery and I weighed in at 197 this morning. My high was 216 so that is a 19 lbs loss so far. Not too bad really. I know it will slow down soon and Iwill really have to work to get the rest of the weight off, but I am liking the way is it coming off so far.

I hope to be back at least in the 170's by December. That is my new goal. Hopefully I will be even less than that, but that is my goal for now.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

He's Here

After much delay our little man is here. Just wanted to share the news...and then go back to recouping.

Meet little AJ.
Since this is a weigh-loss/healthly living themed are my final stats.
Last weigh in pre-pg - 216.2..that is roughly a 40 lb gain.
Post pg weight when I arrived home was 211
Next day was 207.
I am still holding on to lots of water. I have a follow up scheduled and once cleared, the walking work out will be begin. Until we are all getting accustomed to baby at home.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Post PG blues...maybe soon

I just came across this article Celebrity mamas fuel post-baby body blues and I can totally see how this would get a new mom down.

I know that the real solution is to just not look at the celebrity magazines. But when I heard a new report 2 weeks after Angelina had her twins that said she was back to her pre-PG weight...I called BS on that. To me that just sounded like the tabloids trying to put info out there. I'm sorry but their is now way that Angelina could have lost down to her pre-PG weight 2 weeks after a C-section. WHATEVER!!!

No baby for me yet, but I will be in the post-pg category soon and crap like this just annoys me.

Current weigh in is at 212.8.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Tick Tock

Well the clock is ticking away on this little bundle of joy. Part of me wishes he were here, part of me can wait until he is supposed to be here. We are getting really close, but still a few weeks away from my due date.

Latest weigh in was 211.2. Up 5 lbs from last weigh in, but still in the 35 lbs range for total gain. I was hoping it would stay closer to 30 lbs, but all is well.

I live in Texas and I don't know if everyone else knows (well I bet Summer does) but we are on pace to hit a record breaking heat wave this summer. We have had 40+ days of 100+ heat...and MAN can I feel it. Especially as I get closer and closer to my due date.

Today might be my worse work day so far. My shoes are too tight and I am having to walk around in my stocking (well socks) feet. My wedding ring stopped fitting at about 8:30 am. Plus my work did some painting over the weekend and boy does it stink.

I wish I could go home and just wait for this little guy to be born, but I only have some much maternity leave and I want to use it all for once baby is here.

I am super thankful for air conditioning. I rarely spend that much time outside in the heat. Mainly going from the car to a store or from the house to the car...very little time in the heat. We spend sometime with my son in the backyard, but that is early in the morning before it hits 100.