Inspirational quotes

Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.
Brian Tracy, Eat that Frog

The significance of a man is not in what he attains but in what he longs to attain.
Kahil Gibran

Friday, September 28, 2007


Can you re-boot your brain, or really, your taste buds? Dr. Oz says you can and Bob Greene says you can.

Here is what Bob actually had to say..

Each person has the power to adapt their taste to healthier foods, Bob says. "Your tastes adjust. We habituate and we do it both ways," he says. "If you start cutting out the sugars, cutting out the sodium, you will taste the natural flavors of the foods."

I'm a firm believer that you can really change your tastes. We have given up white rice, white pasta, white bread and as much high fructose corn syrup that we can. We started doing this about 5 years ago and it worked, or maybe whole wheat products have gone way tastier. But we have done it. I also was a non-tomatoe eater for many, many, many years. But now I love tomatoes. Maybe our taste buds change as we get older too.

If I only knew then (in my 20's) what I know now. But this is a process, a sometimes very slow process, but a forward moving process none the less.

I am thinking about trying and giving up my sweetner. I don't use sugar, mainly splenda, but that is like 700 times sweeter that sugar, so my taste buds have gotten used to it. I say thinking about it because I can't quite talk myself into it yet. I am on the verge, but not over the line yet.
So who know, that might be my next goal. I have actually done really well at giving up the diet sodas.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Weigh in day

Today was weigh in day. I weighed in at 176.2. I have to say I was suprised....HAPPY but surprised! And I finally get what I have been wanting for a while. A NEW NUMBER.

So depending on which weight I start from as of my last weigh in . I am either 1.3 lbs down, or .8 lbs down or .3 lbs down....but any way you look at it the numbers went down.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Helping Hands

Ecclesiastes 4:10
10 If one falls down,
his friend can help him up.
But pity the man who falls
and has no one to help him up!

So this was my message in bible study tonight. I thought it spoke a lot about what we all want to get out of our blogging. We are hear to help each other out.

So much of what other say (blog about) helps me out. I hope something I am going through (blogging about) can make just one person realize they are not alone.

Hi there!

Hi there!!! I'm super busy and I have a case of the funk again...but I wanted to say HI there!
Hope everyone is doing well. I'm am hoping to be back soon with more posts after work slows down.
Have a good week.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Let's get out of the funk

Seems like there is an illness going around. It is the "In a funk flu". Seems like it has spread to some of us in our little blogging worlds. Lady T mentioned being tired the other days. Twix was has been out of sort, Chubby chix was stressed out and I wasn't too happy myself on Wednesday.
So here is to a good weekend for all of us. I hope you ladies (and any gents that might be reading) have a great weekend.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I will envy no more..well about this anyway ; )

I no longer have scale envy. I stopped by my favorite Target store today and bought this beauty. It weighs in .2lbs increments. I also calculates body fat and water %...but not sure I'm ready for all that yet. I gave it a test drive...which I would normally NEVER weigh myself in the afternoon. That breaks fat girl rule #101 which says you can only weight yourself in the morning and you have to be buck nekked.

But even weighing myself this afternoon I weight 177...which rocks since that is what I weighed at 6:30 am this morning!!!!! So I am already liking my new scale better.

Scale Envy ~ Weigh in day

I have scale envy. I envy the scales of my blogger buddies. My scale only weights in 1/2 lbs increments. I never really noticed it too much before but now I do...when ever little 1/10th of a lbs would make me smile just a little.

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I stepped on the scale today and it said 177.5. I stepped off in a huff! have to be kidding me. Then I stepped on again 176.5. Okay, a little better...but Seriously, did I just lose a lbs with that step...I think not!. Then just to get an average I step on again 177. I was getting a little peeved at this point so I stopped obsessing. That is when the scale envy hit me. I notice lots of others weigh-ins are in smaller increments. So I will be looking around at Target for a new scale.

I wasn't expecting a huge loss, but I felt like I did a good job this week. I walked 3 days last week and 2 this week so far. I ate well, not perfect but not horrible. So I was hoping for some progress, but I guess unless it is over .5lb then I just won't be able to see it on the scale.

I told hubby this morning we needed a new scale and he said it was only .5 lb. That is when I told him I need a more accurate scale. He just kind of laughed a me.

Monday, September 17, 2007

More insight for me

I learned something else at a bible study yesterday. The teacher was saying sometimes when we are in a desert and wandering around we long for the days we were in slaverly (story from Exodus).

She was talking about glamourizing the past just because today is a little hard. This really hit home for me. I can easily get in a mind set that this lifestyle changing is just too hard. Who really needs to be that healthly anyway (HA!). I need to stop living in the past.

I need to remember it took me a while to put this weight on and my body has gotten used to it, so it will take some time and some changing to get it off. None of this changing can or will happen over night.
This is also when I have to remind myself why I am doing this. The main reason is right here.....

Pretty good reason!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Pre-baby after Picture and Current Before Picture

I have always struggled with my weight, but it is a moving target so to speak. When I was in high school, I thought I was "so fat" when I weighed 132. But then again everyone else around around me weight about 105. Then in college I dated a guy who was more obsessed with my weight than I was. I bought into his line of crap and lost it for him...not me. I went from about 150ish to my lowest ever of 127 (or the lowest I can ever remember weighing as an adult and i was only 19 at the time). Then a short time later he broke up with me. I think I remember weighing that 127 a whole 1 day.

More recently I weighed 165 when I got married. Here is the pre-baby after pic.

This is circa summer 2003 and I had lost about 15 to 20 lbs on the South Beach diet. I think I weighed about 167 in this picture. This is when my healthy eating lifestyle started. I started to learn more about eating right. Eating more fruits, veggies and whole grains.

I gained a few pounds after the wedding, you know, wedded bliss and a good honeymoon. Then 1.5 years later I get pregnant. I only gained 33 lbs of "baby weight" but your body is just not in the same shape after that little one is finished with you, ya know?!?!

So here I am at my new before of 188lbs, Christmas 2006. I am 11 months post-pregnancy.
So that is where this blog comes in, it is me and my blogging buddies, holding myself accountable to keep a healthly lifestyle going. We are trying to get pregnant again, but that doesn't mean the healthly lifestyle goes out the window. I will still try and exercise and eat healthy, but weightloss will not be my focus if I get pregnant. But after #2 is here, there is no holding me back. I am going for it. My goal weight will be 145, give or take alittle ; )

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Biggest Loser and Goals

First to my goals from last week.
1) To not drink any more diet sodas (or sodas of any kind). I have done well at this one. Actually better than I thought I would do.

2) To try and drink decaf. whenever possible. This one not as much as the other, but I am drinking lots more water and come coffee in the mornings. By just eliminating the soft drinks I cut this down a great deal.

3) Get in 3 days of exercise between now and Wednesday (hopefully this will include the season 1 BL DVD). I didn't get 3 days of exercise in, but I did get 2 days in. I also jogged some on those 2 days, so I'm giving my less lots of credit for this one.

Now to Biggest Loser. I just loved it. I kept waiting for the black team to join the other teams, but I guess that will have to wait another week. Even though she was booted off this week, I was impressed that she had lost 60lbs. That is great.

I just couldn't believe how sad it was when those 6 people didn't get picked. I was almost in tears. But all is well, they have Jillian and she will get them into awesome shape. I am so excited that the season has finally started.

I still haven't giving up on my quest to get the Biggest Loser workout DVD. I checked today and they have it, but it will take a while to get here to me.

Weigh in day

So today was my second weigh-in day and I lost 1 lb. So I am back to where I was and that is great, but I really want to see a new number I haven't seen in a long while....say like 175 or less.

I have noticed I'm been drinking a ton of water. That has been good for me. I also have had this want to jog and get a good sweat on. I did that on Monday. It was fun pushing myself. I didn't jog my entire time. I did 3 little stretches on jogging, but it got the heart rate up and the sweat level up. Unfortunately it rained yesterday during my walking time (after work but before I get the little one from daycare) and that meant just going home and paying more attention to what I ate.

I am a little frustrated. I have wanted to buy the Biggest Loser Season 1 workout DVD but I can't find it anywhere but online. I guess I will break down and order it somewhere on line, but I was hoping to get it fast and start on it. I also didn't get to watch the Biggest Loser season premier last night, but I have it saved and look forward to watching it tonight.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

In Remembrance

Monday, September 10, 2007


I have been tagged by Mrs. Shannon....So here goes...8 Randon things about me.

1) I am a CPA married to a CPA and we have a sign that says..."CPA's count"...aren't we cute and funny accountants.

2) I love American, love, love. I call in and vote every season.

3) My Dad shaved his head for a radio station contest so me and my best friend could meet Billy Ray Cyrus when Achy Breaky Heart was the biggest thing ever! I still have pictures and the hat Billy Ray signed....somewhere. I didn't ask him to do it about random.

4) I just received a level one Reiki attunement.

5) I can touch my nose with my tongue. weird I know.

6) After dropping my son at day care I like to listen to his Veggie tales CD to learn the words better. I hate singing along to songs that I don't know the words too.

7) I have a huge thing about Elvis. I think it is a something for the women in my family. We all love Elvis. My hubby and I even decided that we had to Sirius satellite radio instead of XM because they have an all Elvis station...Elvis lives on Sirius 13!

8) I have a blogging addiction...recently developed ; ) My husband actually told me I was addicted to the internet the other night. Just because I didn't want to watch another episode of "the Universe" with him...whatever.

Not sure who I can tag since most of the folks blogs that I check out have already been tagged....but here are a few.

Southern Fried Fatty since she is part of the reason I picked up this blogging thing.


The Lassie & The Laddie


CNN has a series called Fit Nation. Here is a little inspiration from someone who has lost 110 lbs.

Three years ago Sharon Twitchell was miserable.

Sharon Twitchell lost 110 pounds and went from wearing a size 22 to a size 2 in 10 months.
more photos »

Carrying 227 pounds on her tiny 5'2" frame, the 51-year-old mother and wife could barely squeeze into her plus-size clothing.

Just for you Twix

This is just for you Twix. You were so brave to post a picture when it was the last thing you might have wanted to do.

This is me circa 197?....(sorry I couldn't be as brave..heheheh)

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Challenge Checkin

Well yesterday was a really good food day. I made good choices and it wasn't that hard : ) today has gotten off to a great start too. I have already had two servings of fruit.

The other good news is that I stopped eating when I was full. GREAT IDEA HUH?!?!?
It is always a great idea but most of the time I just have to finish off whatever I have on my plate. So my resistance muscle is finally ahead of my give in muscle.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Health Snacks

As I sit here chopping on my little piece of beef jerky for my morning snack I thought I would share this link I found with some suggestions for healthy snacks. I was designed for the kiddos, but it is has some good ideas. I came across it on Parent Hacks it is a fun site with good ideas and tips for the kiddos.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

New goals

Okay I think I have come to a decision about the diet sodas (and thanks to my blog buddies for their helpful comments). I think those are out for now. I have done it before and I can do it again.

The goals for this weekend and until my next Wednesday weigh in are:
1) To not drink any more diet sodas (or sodas of any kind).
2) To try and drink decaf. whenever possible.
3) Get in 3 days of exercise between now and Wednesday (hopefully this will include the season 1 BL DVD).

More credit...and thoughts on diet drinks

Today (or really yesterday and today) I get credit for walking 20+ mins and packing my walking clothes so I can do it again today. I feel like I'm back on track a little. My food choices have been OK...not horrible, not all in all...OK.

The thing I'm dealing with now is whether to give up all caffeinated drinks or to just give up diet sodas. More secrets here, but we are trying to get pregnant. We might find out something soon. So the giving up caffeine is a part of that but I have this pull that I should be giving up diet sodas ...caffeine free or not all together. Then there is this other part of me that say....NO don't give up those too, you have already given up so much, what is the harm in a little diet soda now and then. I think my "give in" muscle is trying to test my "resistance" muscle and the "give in" muscle is winning.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Giving Credit and Biggest Loser

I think I will start keeping track of what I give myself credit for here. It will strengthen my "resistance" muscle.

Today I get credit for:
Making good food choices yesterday.
packing my workout clothes for a walk today.
making the conscious decision to think about what I eat and when I eat...not just grazing or eating to cover up emotions.

Now on to Biggest Loser! I love this show...have for 3 years. I love Bob!!! Jillian kicks butt. Nothing against Kim, but I have known Bob and Jillian longer. I just get so motivated by the stories and the progress you can see with just working out and eating right. Last night's "How are they doing now" show was great...because I have wondered if they kept the weight off.

I also want to know about Moe from year one...Maurice. I loved him and really hoped he made lots of progress. (edit...Maurice is running of Nashville City Council...gotta love Google).

I can't wait for the season to really start. I have read a couple of blogs mention the Biggest Loser workout DVD. I might have to pick that one up.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Challenge Accepted and keeping secrets

Christine issued a challenge to fellow weight loss bloggers. I'm accepting the challenge to be honest with myself and count the number of days I stayed on track and the number of days that I didn't. When you look back over your day it give you something to strive for...Overall did you make good, healthy choices, or did you make choices that could have been better. Thanks Christine!

The Beck Diet Solution talks about giving yourself credit and this is a great way to do that. The more you give yourself credit for the good decisions you make the more good decisions you will make. It is like strengthening your "resistance" muscle and weakening your "give in" muscle.

Now the other piece of today's post. Are you keeping a secret?? Do people know you are blogging about your weight loss and struggles to live a healthier lifestyle? I am.

Well you ladies and gents on the world wide web know...but my family doesn't know. Oh they know I blog on my family someplace else, but they don't know about this..yet. I have been thinking of telling my husband what I have started. Mainly just so he doesn't think I'm having an affair or looking at something on the web that I shouldn't be. Now when I'm blogging on this site and he steps over by the computer, I close everything down.

Oh he would be supportive, he always is. He has never struggled with weight issues. His issues are more about keeping weight on, not keeping it off. We both try to eat right and get exercise.

I like the privacy that this platform allows. I can say things and hash things out with myself and others going thru similar issues. People who have never been thru struggles like this don't always understand why I feel like I the littlest comments will make me I take personal comments people make about other people "being fat" and then think to myself..."well if they think they are fat, then I must be a huge pig".

So I think I will be telling my husband but maybe just him for now. I think blogging and reading other's blogs helps keep me focused on my ultimate a healthy lifestyle forever. And really this blog is for me and living the healthier lifestyle is for me...not because other people think I need to loose weight.

So it will still be our little secret for now.