Inspirational quotes

Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.
Brian Tracy, Eat that Frog

The significance of a man is not in what he attains but in what he longs to attain.
Kahil Gibran

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Oh HAPPY day!

Oh it was such a happy, happy, happy day yesterday.

Friday I went through my 3 hour glucose test. I still have the bruises from the 4 needles to prove it several days later. Monday I kept waiting and waiting for that call telling me all was the same as last time and I had GD.

Well at 4pm, still no call. But I was out of town so I thought, well they have left me message somewhere else with the news. So I call my Dr. office and leave a message that I am out of town and to please call my cell with the lab results.

30 mins later I get a call from the Dr. office and they leave a message. I still have the message saved because I like hearing it. It said" Hi! This is Amy with Dr. L's office, everything from your lab results came back totally normal. Congratulations. You don't have gestational diabetes"


I was so happy to get that news. On so many levels. No extra dr. appts, no weekly non-stress tests, no weekly sonograms, no daily poking my fingers numerous times, no taking meds that I really don't want to because I'm pregnant. So many reasons.


Summer said...

YAY!!! I think I would have saved that message too... :-)

Twix said...

AWESOME! AWESOME!! AWESOME!!! Very happy for you & baby!!!! :D Great news!