Inspirational quotes

Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.
Brian Tracy, Eat that Frog

The significance of a man is not in what he attains but in what he longs to attain.
Kahil Gibran

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Scale Envy ~ Weigh in day

I have scale envy. I envy the scales of my blogger buddies. My scale only weights in 1/2 lbs increments. I never really noticed it too much before but now I do...when ever little 1/10th of a lbs would make me smile just a little.

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I stepped on the scale today and it said 177.5. I stepped off in a huff! have to be kidding me. Then I stepped on again 176.5. Okay, a little better...but Seriously, did I just lose a lbs with that step...I think not!. Then just to get an average I step on again 177. I was getting a little peeved at this point so I stopped obsessing. That is when the scale envy hit me. I notice lots of others weigh-ins are in smaller increments. So I will be looking around at Target for a new scale.

I wasn't expecting a huge loss, but I felt like I did a good job this week. I walked 3 days last week and 2 this week so far. I ate well, not perfect but not horrible. So I was hoping for some progress, but I guess unless it is over .5lb then I just won't be able to see it on the scale.

I told hubby this morning we needed a new scale and he said it was only .5 lb. That is when I told him I need a more accurate scale. He just kind of laughed a me.


Anonymous said...

I went out and got a new scale a couple weeks ago for that same reason!!! I wound up only getting one that measures every .2. I wanted one to do .1, but I really like this one because you can store your information in it, it measures % body fat, and water. Good luck! I got mine from Walmart for about $40.

Chubby Chick said...

I don't blame you for wanting a new scale. Every tenth of a pound is a victory in this battle of the bulge! lol

My weigh-in is tomorrow... and I am a freaking nervous wreck!!! lol

Twix said...

I got mine from Walmart also! I sure hope it's acurate, lol. I know what it's like to be where you are at! ((((Goaled Girl))))


Diana Swallow said...

I so understand the evilness of that little hunk of metal and glass, blinking that stupid number at us as we stare down in disbelief. We get back on again and you know its smiling an evil little grin as it blinks a new number as if to say...go on, get on again and I'll blink a HIGHER number yet at you...stupid stupid scale!